Saints Row 2

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Saint's Row 2 Now Available On-Demand
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Saint's Row 2 Now Available On-Demand

Microsoft has added the first batch of new titles to its Games on Demand service over Xbox Live.  Among them is Saint's Row 2, a two player co-op title we rather enjoyed last year.  The game costs a staggering 3000 , which translated into real world monies is $37.50.   Considering you can get the full retail game for $28 (shipping included) I'm not quite sure you want to hop on the On-Demand bandwagon just yet.

 But, if price isn't a problem and you just want the downloaded convenience, hit this link to add it to your queue.

Update:  Oddly enough, now the link goes to Saint's Row 1, not 2.  Also the price has dropped from 3000 points to 2400 points or $30.  I swear it was there earlier.

