Halo Wars

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Spartans Play Together in Halo Wars Box Art
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Spartans Play Together in Halo Wars Box Art

Feast your eyes upon the recently revealed box art for the 2 player co-op RTS game set in the Halo Universe - Halo Wars!  While we still don't know too much on the details of the co-op I do know that there will be at least co-op skirmishes.  As for a co-op campaign, something that's been the staple of a Halo game since Halo 1 - that is yet to be seen.  We are keeping our hopes high and our ears to the ground. 

I expect to hear more details about Halo Wars as well get some hands on time with it at PAX 2008 this year.  According to Microsoft's Schedule we should be seeing some demos and hopefully some hands on time with the game!

