Trine 2

  • Online Co-Op: 3 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 3 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Combo Co-Op
Trine 2 Launch Trailer and DLC News
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Trine 2 Launch Trailer and DLC News

Trine 2 launched on the PC and Mac today, and we've got the fancy trailer to prove it.  The game looks absolutely stunning.  This follow-up to the excellent Trine has some big shoes to fill.  Many members of the Co-Optimus staff loved the first game.  We have high expectations for the puzzle platformer.

In more good news, VG24/7 reports that there is an abundance of DLC on the way.  Developer Frozenbyte's marketing manager Mikael Haveri told them "We can promise around four hours with the DLC."  This would add about 50% more content.  He also mentioned new modes, including "Last Wizard Standing."  These modes will eventually make their way to consoles, if they become popular. 

Trine 2 is out now on PC and Mac.  It will be out on the XBLA and PSN on December 21st. It supports three player local co-op and three player online co-op.


