Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

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Amazon Has a Special Page For The Biggest E3 Trend
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Amazon Has a Special Page For The Biggest E3 Trend

After the press conferences and during the show, the Co-Opticrew kept commenting on how many games coming out this year have a bow in them.  It seemed everywhere we turned we saw another iteration of a bow weapon in a game.  We're not talking just about hunting games, we're talking AAA titles like Crysis 3, Farcry 3, Tomb Raider and Splinter Cell: Black List.  There was another trend too - helicopters.  Whether it was Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Resident Evil 6 or others - the bladed aerial vehicle was definitely a trend.  Some games even managed to include BOTH.

So Amazon did what any retailer would do - they created a pre-order portal specificially designed for these two trends in gaming with easy to use filters to find either helicopters or bows...or the pinnacle products that include BOTH.

Source: Amazon.com

