The Mars Agenda

Co-Op Features in the PC Version
Popularity #5124

Core Features

Local Co-Op
5 Players
Online Co-Op
Not Supported
Combo Co-Op (Local + Online)
Not Supported
LAN Play or System Link
Not Supported

Co-Op Extras

  • Downloadable Only
  • Co-Op Campaign
  • Drop In/Drop Out

The Co-Op Experience

Although the game is primarily single player, it can be enjoyed cooperatively, with others helping the astronaut complete the missions using the guide book (40+ pages, accessible online). Since the other players are using the guide book to help the lone astronaut, there's technically no player limit.


The Mars Agenda is a first person puzzle game in which the player needs to complete various tasks using only a guide book and some maps.

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This page contains co-op info for The Mars Agenda on the PC. All information about The Mars Agenda was correct at the time of posting. Information is subject to change. If you see any errors please email us.


