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by Jim McLaughlin 1
  • xbox 360
  • xbox live arcade
Yeah, That's Right - "Friendly" is Out, "Snuggly" is In

Xbox Live Summer Deals Are Co-Op Snuggly

In case you were looking for a way to fill up your entire XBox 360 hard drive with downloadable co-op content, Xbox Live Marketplace's summer deals have you covered. Mission packs for older games? Check. New Arcade releases? Check. There's only one caveat - some of these will expire soon, so don't twiddle your thumbsticks. twiddle your thumbsticks, but only after you've browsed the below list.

by Katrina Pawlowski 0

Co-optimus Community Voice for Week 4, September 2010

As we investigate more and more of the Co-optimus Community Voice options in our blogs, the more I realize how much organization I still have to learn to keep up with you guys. Really, we’ve seen some interesting blogs, and hope to see more from the quieter side of the community. This week we have two great options for week 4 in Co-optimus Community Voice. Next month we’ll have a new topic, and we’ll hopefully get more of a handle on things for you guys. We want to know more about the co-op community, not just great co-op news and resources.

2 stories found