News | 3/30/2019 at 4:00 PM

Our Weekend In Gaming: Struck With Illness

I've forgotten what it's like to breathe through my nose.

Well, gang, I've fallen ill, which is why Friday had a distinct lack of Weekend in Gaming goodness.  I'm feeling mildly better now, though, so I've gathered the Co-Opticrew's weekend plans for you to see as they're probably happening.

This time around, we've got bad weather forecasts, samurai showdowns, Xtreme eating.  Check it out!

Nick Puleo (@NickPuleo) - "Destiny 2 and more Crackdown 3."

Jason Love (@JLove55) - "So many 2s you'll think it's Twosday! Destiny 2, Division 2, Risk of Rain 2."

Mike Katsufrakis (@Pheriannath) - "Playing with my newly-acquired Thorn in Destiny 2, and perhaps checking out Risk of Rain 2."

Eric Murphy (@smurph_em) - "I'm being really indecisive at the moment, so maybe you can help me decide... Here are my options: Satellite Reign, Halo 5, Gears of War 4, The Division."

Marc Allie (@DjinniMan) - "Fire Emblem Fates and maybe some Rock Band with friends!"

Tally Callahan - "A smidge of Smite and a dash of Sekiro."

Enoch Starnes (@enochstarnes) - "I'll be hopefully running a session of The Quiet Year and getting into a lot of board gaming."

Matthew Squaire (@mattaghetti) - "I'm going to cheat from my diet, eat a ton of really extreme food and play Persona 5 and / or The Binding of Issac all weekend."

What are you all up to this weekend?  Let us know in the comments!