Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

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Beyond Co-Op - January 4th through January 10th
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Beyond Co-Op - January 4th through January 10th

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is this week in Vegas, and there's quite a bit of gadget news to be found.  But beyond the gadgets at the show are plenty of gaming news as well.  Here's what's on tap this week.

  • Crayon Physics Deluxes Released for iPhone and PC
  • Microsoft wants to Increase the 100 Friend Limit on Xbox Live
  • iNfamous Videos and Impressions @ Joystiq
  • RebelFM born from Former 1UP Podcasters
  • Mass Effect 2 will Appear at GDC
  • Windows 7 Public Beta Goes Live


Crayon Physics Deluxe Released

Crayon Physics Deluxe is a sandbox style game in which you need to draw on the screen in crayon style graphics to help solve puzzles.  The trick is the entire world is governed by true physics making this one of the most stylish and original puzzlers to come out in years.  You can snag the game for the PC or iPhone for $20.

Source:  Official Site


inFamous Videos

Joystiq has a handful of videos from Sucker Punch's inFamous, which is sort of this hybrid super hero open world game.  The game looks eerily similar to Prototype, but is an exclusive to Sony's PlayStation 3.

Source:  Joystiq


RebelFM Launched by former 1UP Podcasters

This week we brought you the sad news of almost 30 folks laid off at 1UP/EGM by the aquisition from UGO.  Luckily those folks didn't stay quiet and have quickly put out the first podcast called RebelFM.  Give it a listen, it's really rough right now, but it's good to know things will keep going by some of our favorite web personalities.

Source: Eat-Sleep-Game


Mass Effect 2 coming to GDC

While it's rumored that Mass Effect 2 has co-op, we'll need to wait for some sort of confirmation.  We should get our first glimpse at Bioware's next game at this year's Game Developers Conference which takes starts in San Francisco on February 23rd.  The talk will apparently be about the game's level design, but I'm sure plenty of other details will pop up.  Here's hoping for a co-op announcement.

Source: GameZine.UK


Windows 7 Public Beta

Microsoft has done something unprecidented with it's latest Windows released, aptly titled Windows 7.  They've launched a public beta of the product a full 9 months to a year before release.  Making it available to 2.5 million consumers this has to be one of the largest public betas ever.   So far impressions of the new OS are good, thought there's little functionality in the gaming department over Vista. 

Source:  Official Site


Microsoft wants a bigger Friends List

Now here's something I could have used earlier this week when I had to delete some folks off my friends list.  Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg has stated that they are actively looking into increasing the XBL friends list limit from 100 to X.  This is the first time we've heard such a thing, as previously Microsoft has denied a need to do this.  From the sound of it, the NXE has caused many many more people to reach the cap.

Source: Joystiq

