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PlayStation 4 Dual Shock 4 Hands on Impressions, Video and Sexy Pictures
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PlayStation 4 Dual Shock 4 Hands on Impressions, Video and Sexy Pictures

Works on PC and PS3 too!

 Believe it or not the PlayStation 4's controller, the DualShock 4, can be purchased right now at many retailers. The $59.99 device is available more than two weeks before Sony's system launches. I know what you're thinking - what's the point of getting it now if you can't do anything with it? Actually, there's quite a bit you can do.

The controller can be utilized on both a PlayStation 3 or a PC simply by plugging in a USB cable. In doing so you can get a good feel for the controller before it comes to life on the PlayStation 4. Not every PlayStation 3 game will work, in fact, you might want to follow this thread on Reddit with an ongoing compatibility list. PC games are hit and miss as well, but we had pretty good luck in testing.

Check out our hands on preview with the controller and peak at some sexy product shots we took. 


