Mercenary Kings

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Mercenary Kings - Shootin and Lootin in 4 Player Co-Op Stream
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Mercenary Kings - Shootin and Lootin in 4 Player Co-Op Stream

The crew dives into this pixely-shooter

It may have been out for a month, but the Co-Opticrew haven't had a chance to give Mercenary Kings it's fair shake. Mike, Locke, Jason and Nick decided to take the game for a spin to see what it has to offer. Parts SHMUP, part RPG, all pixely shooting goodness - Mercenary Kings oozes styles at every corner and offers up a unique blend of open ended missions.

Our stream has us completing a few different goals - taking out a boss, collecting a certain number of elements, or simply poking those one eyed snipers in their only eye. Don't they realize having one eye doesn't make you a better sniper? 


Don't forget to check out our Mercenary Kings co-op review.

