Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
First Week Down - Another Giveaway!
News by 10

First Week Down - Another Giveaway!

Well folks, our first week is over and it's been a fairly successful one.  We've gone from 0 to almost 300 members in no time!  We've almost doubled our database of Co-Op games, we've added a classics section and made some changes based on your feedback!


We'll be announcing the winners of our launch giveaway later today, but now we've got another giveaway!


What's up for grabs? 


1 Code for Rez:HD on Xbox Live Arcade

1 Copy of Killzone: Liberation for the PSP


How do you enter? Simply become a member of the site. Or if you already are a member...you are already entered!

Update: I forgot we are also giving away a copy of Uno for XBLA!

