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Phono Alliance Brings Indie Co-Op Music Play to Xbox 360
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Phono Alliance Brings Indie Co-Op Music Play to Xbox 360

I'll admit, after watching the trailer for Phono Alliance from independant developer Soft Hope, I wasn't quite sure what I watched.  The game is described as a Patapon meets Super Mario Bros. style game.  That is, an action platformer with music and rhythym based elements.

Being developed for the Xbox 360 on the Indie Games channel, Phono Alliance allows two players to team up through a slick hand drawn world and conquer enemies like teddie bears, giant birds, and crazy pirates that turn into treasures chests.  You'll attack using your drum and notes with one of two characters - The Rocker or The Rapper.  

I think the game is best described by John Tremblay, one of the Phono Alliance's developers.

 "It is a exploration in musical gameplay; it is sort of a Patapon meets Mario. It is a free moving platformer, but for every action of the player (defence, speed, attack) the players have to push the buttons at the right tempo in a 4/4 structure.  The game is coop game, and I think that's where the game is a its best."

We'll definitely have to add this to our list of Co-Op Community games, which is now called Indie Games.  Give the trailer a watch and be on the lookout for the game to be available soon on Xbox Live.  


Source: Softhope.blogspot.com

