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Diablo 4 Renown System Explained


There are a lot of ways to raise your character's power in Diablo 4, and the Renown system is one of them. In this guide, you will learn what is the Renown system, how to properly use this end-game feature, the Renown rewards in Diablo IV, and why you should use it.

While the Renown system has powerful rewards, it is also very time-consuming. Why not let the professionals at take care of it for you, while you get to enjoy the rewards? 

Table of contents

  • What is the Renown System?

  • How to check Renown in Diablo 4

  • How to get Renown Points

  • Renown tiers and rewards in Diablo 4

  • Is Diablo 4 Renown account wide?

  • Final thoughts

What is the Renown System?

The Renown system is an endgame feature in Diablo 4 that provides powerful rewards to players that complete each of the objectives listed for every zone of the Sanctuary. To work on the Renown System, players earn Renown Points by completing various activities throughout the open world.

This reputation system also helps the players familiarize themselves with every zone in the game, while also preparing them for other endgame activities, like finding all the Altars of Lilith, completing side quests, or clearing strongholds.

How to check Renown in Diablo 4

Image source: In-game screenshot

Players can check their Renown points in two different ways currently. The first method is by opening the map and checking the Renown points on the top left side. The second method is by opening the Region Progress screen by pressing W for PC, triangle for PS, or Y for Xbox.

This way, the player can easily keep track of the progress made for the Renown system of each zone, while also being able to claim the rewards that come with it.

How to get Renown Points

Renown points can be obtained in a variety of ways, but ultimately, you need to use all of them to be able to claim all of the rewards. Below, you can see the list with each way to obtain them:

  • Discovering areas in the Region – 5 Points

  • Interacting with Altars of Lilith – 5 Points

  • Unlocking waypoints – 20 Points

  • Completing side quests – 20 Points

  • Completing dungeons – 30 Points

  • Clearing and liberating Strongholds – 100 Points

These objectives should be completed in every zone found in the Sanctuary, each one of them having its separate progress and rewards. The general tip for earning renown is to complete as many objectives at once.

For example, while being in the Fractured Peaks, pick up every side quest you can find and start discovering the area, interacting with the Altars of Lilith and unlocking waypoints, while also considering the objectives given by the side quests, completing dungeons, and clearing the strongholds found in your way.

This will considerably reduce the time needed to collect the Renown rewards in Fractured Peaks, Dry Steppes, or any of the other open world zones.

Renown Tiers and rewards in Diablo 4

Image source: In-game screenshot

There are two types of Renown rewards in Diablo 4: account-wide Renown rewards that apply to all your characters and character-specific rewards. Below we present the rewards obtained from each Tier of Renown in Diablo IV:

Tier 1

This tier is the easiest to complete and awards the player with Bonus XP, 3,000 gold, and 1 Skill Point.

Tier 2

The second tier of the Renown system will reward the player with Bonus XP, 10,000 gold, and a Potion Charge.

Tier 3

The third tier of the Renown system will recompense 1 Skill point, while also maintaining the usual Bonus XP and the 25,000 gold.

Tier 4

The fourth tier awards the player with raising the Maximum number of Murmuring Obols by 80, while also having the usual Bonus XP and 60,000 gold.

Tier 5

The last tier, while being the most difficult to complete, will award the most valuable rewards for your character. This includes the usual rewards of 150,000 Gold and Bonus XP, while also awarding 4 additional Paragon Points to the Paragon System.

While most of the Renown challenges can be completed on the first two difficulties, the last two tiers of rewards will require completing various activities on at least the third “Nightmare” difficulty.

Is Diablo 4 Renown account wide?

The skill points, potion charges, Max Obols, and extra Paragon Points are account-wide character bonuses, while the gold and bonus XP only apply to the current character.

Renown in Diablo 4 is an important system, with rewards that will significantly make the difference in the end-game, giving your characters the advantage needed to be amongst the best players. These account wide bonuses are a very good incentive for players to earn Renown points and explore the game in its entirety.

While new characters don't benefit from all the rewards, the extra potion charges, and skill points will definitely help while fighting elite enemies throughout a discovered area in the Sanctuary zones.

Final Thoughts

While the Renown system might be time-consuming, it is well worth its time. In Diablo 4’s endgame, where every little tweak counts, the extra Paragon Points and skill points will surely give you the edge needed to be amongst the best players in the game.

Remember that you should use the most efficient way to earn the additional points while avoiding cellars and open world events to shorten the time needed to complete the Renown system.