Showing articles about wild west guns

by Nick Puleo 23
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • couch
  • online

Red Dead Redemption Co-Op Review

Rockstar games has a knack for creating compelling open world games, but to date, most of been in the Grand Theft Auto franchise. Now moving west the crew at Rockstar San Diego tries their hand a genre that's been in short supply. Will we finally get a good Western (co-op) game?

by Marc Allie 1

Wild West Guns Co-Op Review

Link's Crossbow Training meets Sunset Riders in the recent WiiWare release, Wild West Guns.  Load up your sixshooter and call in a "pahdnuh" to defend the innocent townsfolk from flying sombreros, dynamite filled balloons, and a whole slew of bandits.  Does Wild West Guns ride off into a grand sunset, or does it leave a burr under your saddle?  Read the review to find out!

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