News | 12/26/2008 at 7:48 PM

Our Weekend in Gaming: Post X-Mas Edition

With Christmas only a day behind, most of the Co-Optimus staff is enjoying time with family.  Don't worry as a few dedicated staffers will be gaming this weekend, perhaps you'll even see them online!

Jim "txshurricane" McClaughlin - "I was able to fit in a few rounds of Nazi Zombies, GRAW 2, N+, and Castle Crashers with my brothers Christmas night. This morning, I was back on the road and headed to the no-video-games zone of the in-laws. I don't expect to get in any more gaming until Sunday night at the very earliest. But I am proud to say that other than the traditional COD4 beat-downs, we stuck with co-op games...which made for a nice evening, and some hilarious N+ sessions."

Mike "pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "Slow weekend here, catching up with everything that went on when I was out on vacation.  I'll likely boot up L4D and Persona 4 while working off the holiday meals I gorged myself upon."

Jason "OrigamiPanther" Love - "I got Chrono Trigger DS for Christmas and my family won't see me again for the next few days... even now it calls to me... but every now and then I tear myself away to play some old fashioned board games with the fam."

Nicholas "bapenguin" Puleo - "I'm onto Holiday party number 5, but I still plan to squeeze in some Red Alert 3 (hopefully co-op) as well as some Left 4 Dead.  I've also rekindled my Geometry Wars 2 addiction, so I'll be trying to beat a friend's high score in Deadline mode."

So what presents will you be playing this weekend?