News | 4/8/2016 at 3:51 PM

Our Weekend In Gaming: Jolly Co-operation?

Or in this weekend's case, horrific, otherworldly assistance.

Greetings, and welcome to another Weekend in Gaming!  Our adventures this week take place not in Lothric, but in and around Yharnam as some of the Co-opticrew aim to finish off those pesky Old Hunters and their ilk.

Those of us not trapped in Lovecraftian nightmares are spending our time watching Remedy's fake television shows, cleaning up the streets of New York, and making author appearances!  That's right, when we're not devoting our every waking moment to you co-op enthusiasts, some of us spend our slivers of free time writing fancy shmancy readin' books.  Who would've thought?

As always, F.A.L.C.O. will be live tonight with a glimpse at the latest in Orc slaying simulators.  It's always a blast, so be sure to tune in!

Nick Puleo (@NickPuleo) - "I'll be manipulating time in Quantum Break and possibly diving back into XCOM 2 with all of the Halo and Mass Effect mods I've installed for it."

Jason Love (@JLove55) - "I'll be wrapping up the DLC in Bloodborne, and possibly getting the platinum. Want to wrap that up before Dark Souls 3 next week. Other than that, checking out Rogue Stormers and maybe a game of Pathfinder."

Mike Katsufrakis (@Pheriannath) - "I'll probably tag along for some of the Bloodborne adventures, but I'm going to be continuing my Dark Souls 3 run and hitting up my first raid in FFXIV."

Marc Allie (@DjinniMan) - "I will have precious little time for gaming, as I am making my first author appearance at a first time comic con!"

Eric Murphy (@smurph_em) - "We'll be testing the waters of the Orcs Must Die! Unchained open beta tonight at around 8PM CDT on the Co-Optimus Twitch channel. Stop by and chat with us! I'm also hoping to make some progress in The Division this weekend."

John Bardinelli (@itsamejohn) - "I've been sucked in by the Magic: The Gathering version of Puzzle Quest. Someone help me!"

Locke Vincent (@LockeVincent) - "Jolly co-operation in Bloodborne to finish off the Old Hunters DLC, then moving on to Dark Souls 3 (FAQ incoming Monday) and finally the video review for Kill to Collect. "

Tally Callahan - "Might be trying out the release version of Evolve finally this weekend - we'll see."

Enoch Starnes (@enochstarnes) - "I'll be probably be spending too much time with Tales of Link and staving off my drug addiction in Lisa."

How about you?  Will you be getting your mind and body ready to return to Lothric, or is your time going to be spent on games that actually want to be played?  Let us know in the comments!