News | 7/12/2019 at 5:00 PM

Our Weekend In Gaming: J'accuse!

Well, I never...

The Co-Opticrew has fought back!  My recent admonishment of their predictability did not go unnoticed, and y'all... I am paying for it.  Never mind the French jabs or the annoying weekend plans, it's the little things I can't get over.  It's the staring, the water cooler whispering, the "accidental" tossing of my packed lunches into the trash.  I can't take it anymore!  Play as many space-looters as you want, you dang philistines.  Just leave me out of it.

Those of us who have remained civilized throughout this whole affair have other plans, ranging from level creation to force manipulation.  Check it out!

Nick Puleo (@NickPuleo) - "D&D Tonight, Destiny 2 this weekend."

Jason Love (@JLove55) - "Je ne veux pas qu'Enoch me harcèle à nouveau pour avoir joué aux mêmes jeux. J'ai donc écrit ceci en français pour dire que je jouerai davantage pour le destin deux. Also, Super Mario Maker 2 for our Co-Op Review, coming soon!"

Mike Katsufrakis (@Pheriannath) - "Final Fantasy XIV! The new expansion is wonderful."

Eric Murphy (@smurph_em) - "Just to annoy Enoch, my plans are the same as last week. No translation needed."

Locke Vincent (@LockeVincent) - "Out on vacation, but the Switch is here with Mario Maker 2 and Smash."

Marc Allie (@DjinniMan) - "Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and finally checking out Into the Breach."

Tally Callahan - "Nothing out of the ordinary: some Smite and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game on the table. Maybe some Mortal Kombat 11 if I'm in the mood for some FATALITIES."

Enoch Starnes (@enochstarnes) - "I'll be living the viking lifestyle in Northgard and dodging bullets shot by bullets in Enter the Gungeon."

Matthew Squaire (@mattaghetti) - "I've got to return some sort of balance to the force in Knights of the Old Republic 2 and if I'm not doing that you can catch me playing through the 2 million+ levels in Super Mario Maker 2!"

So, what are your plans for the weekend?  Let us know in the comments.