Sunset Overdrive

  • Online Co-Op: 8 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Sunset Overdrive Launch Trailer, Co-Op Stream Coming Thursday Night
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Sunset Overdrive Launch Trailer, Co-Op Stream Coming Thursday Night

In your face Fizzco!

We've got some good news for folks looking forward to Sunset Overdrive, the upcoming open world game from Insomniac Games for Xbox One. The game is launching next week, which means it's time for the inevitable "launch trailer." Along side of that moving eye candy we have some news about checking out the game's eight player co-op mode.

We've been digging deep into Sunset Overdrive now for a week, taking in some of the blatant self awareness with our review copy. While we can't give you official thoughts on it yet, what we can do is stream some of the game's co-op mode along with Insomniac Games. So tomorrow night, that's Thursday October 23rd at 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific we'll be checking the game out for a full two hours. Be sure to stop by our channel to watch!

And now...that launch trailer. I think it sets the tone for the game pretty well.



