Grand Theft Auto V Delayed Again on PC
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Grand Theft Auto V Delayed Again on PC

Online Heists finally receive a release date!

Once again, PC gamers are going to have to wait a bit longer to play Grand Theft Auto V for themselves. Rockstar recently announced that they've delayed the title on PC again, this time until April.

Yes, PC players will have to wait until April 14th this time to try out their version of the game that many console players have experienced for quite some time now. Rockstar understands very well that that the constant delays are frustrating that section of the gaming community, most who've been waiting patiently for its release after multiple delays. However, Rockstar assured us on their latest Newswire post that this extra four weeks will  allow them to make any last few edits on the game work as smoothly as it can:

"Our apologies to PC gamers worldwide who have been counting down the days until the launch of the game, but a bit more time is needed to ensure that the game is as polished as possible, and to make certain that both Heists and the GTA Online experience are ready to roll out on day one for PC."

However, they'll be increasing the amount of in-game cash players will receive for preordering the game as an apology of sorts. With this extra amount added, players will have close to enough to purchase a Rhino tank within a short amount of time.

"As a gesture of thanks for your understanding, we will grant anyone who has pre-ordered the game an additional $200,000 in-game cash for use in GTA Online."

More positive news includes new information on the Online Heists that players have been extremely patient waiting for. If all things go according to plan, we can expect GTA Online's Heists to launch for consoles on March 10th, adding an all new way to play co-operatively with four friends! From our extensive coverage of the mode, it's not hard to tell that this mode is high on our co-op wish list. Waiting for this mode since the last generation consoles, we can hardly wait to dive right into a multi-tiered raid/robbery all across the land. More into on these modes is to come at a later date.


