Resident Evil 5

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Resident Evil 5 Xbox Unboxed, Commercial Co-Ops
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Resident Evil 5 Xbox Unboxed, Commercial Co-Ops

Japanese actress Chiaki Kuriyama, who played Kill Bill's Gogo Yubar, stars in a commercial for Resident Evil 5 - otherwise known as Biohazard in Japan.  The commercial shows some tense moments as Chiaki fights off the infected horde in the game.  Just when it looks like all hope is lost, she realizes she has her partner by her side - an obvious nod to the games strong cooperative core.

We've also got a video from Xbox Live's Major Neslon who unboxed the recently announced Resident Evil 5 Limited Edition Bundle.  The bundle comes with a red Xbox 360 Elite as well as various accessories and a power supply.  Yes, for some reason people wanted the good Major to highlight the PSU - most likely to find out if the system is sporting the newer and more reliable falcon chipset. 

Both videos are right ahead.



