Killing Floor

  • Online Co-Op: 6 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 6 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Make a Killing Floor Co-Op Map, Win 10k
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Make a Killing Floor Co-Op Map, Win 10k

If you read our review of Killing Floor, you know it's a pretty damn good co-op game.  But like any game of its type, you are limited by the amount of maps available.  Tripwire intends to do something about that, no - not by making maps themselves.  Instead they have launched the "Grindhouse Map Making Contest" with winners pulling in prizes worth a total of $20,000.

Prizes also including video cards, keyboards, mice and of course cold hard cash.  To win your job is to create a truly awesome cooperative map for Killing Floor.  There's two waves of the contest, with the first one ending July 31st, and the second ending September 18th.  

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to team up with a friend to create a truly awesome map, and then split the winnings?  That's co-op on so many levels!


