Crackdown 2

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Premium Crackdown 2 DLC Causing Crashes
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Premium Crackdown 2 DLC Causing Crashes

Excited to try the new Toy Box DLC for Crackdown 2, I hurried home and fired up my copy.  Soon I was greeted with a giant black screen and nothing.  Crap, it's true.  I had noticed earlier in the night MTV Multiplayer Blog's Russ Frushtick was having problems and wondered if anyone else was.  Turns out, lots of people are.   The official Xbox forums has plenty of angry posters with the same issue.  

The good news is it appears it's only related to the premium version of the DLC.  If you downloaded the free version your in the clear.  The only fix, as of now, is to delete the DLC files off your hard drive until Microsoft issues a fix.  Sad Agent is sad.

