Gears of War 2

  • Online Co-Op: 5 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 5 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
  • + Combo Co-Op
Real COG Tag Reveals Hidden Gears 2 Site, Hidden Camera Reveals Co-Op Gameplay
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Real COG Tag Reveals Hidden Gears 2 Site, Hidden Camera Reveals Co-Op Gameplay

The Gears of War 2 hype (Cole)train has begun, and the first shot fired is in the form of real life COG tags.  COG tags are hidden dog tags that are found throughout the world of Gears of War, but the promo pieces have a little gem attached to them - a code for a super secret website.

The folks at BreakingTheGame have shared their code for all.  Simply hit up this link, click the little red COG tag at the bottom and enter this code: 617461-ZMTDP-EL

The site has a bit of everything; from concept art to wallpapers to other goodies.  Looking closely at interface clues, I think there will be more content added as time goes on... so you might want to check back from time to time.

While the COG tags don't have much to do with cooperative gameplay, the following yours eyes only videos do.  An undercover BlogSpot user going by the alias RandomGamer, managed to snag some gameplay footage of the 5 player co-op Horde mode in Gears of War 2 from E4 All this past weekend.  He was lucky enough to upload the videos to GameTrailers before being lancered live on the show floor by Epic Game's Mark Rein. 

Hit the read more link to honor his memory and watch the videos.

