PAYDAY: The Heist

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Sony Responds to XBLA: The Summer of Arcade with PSN: PLAY
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Sony Responds to XBLA: The Summer of Arcade with PSN: PLAY

Extended summer...



The Xbox LIVE Summer of Arcade has been an oasis in the desert of mid-year gaming since 2008.  Sony has wisely set their eyes on a piece of that pie with their own program, PSN: PLAY.  Beginning on August 24th, one new title a week will be released on the  PSN.  Two of them, The Baconing and Renegade Opshave co-op.  PSN: PLAY starts off on August 24th with Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition.  On August 31st Deathspank's third game, The Baconing, bacons its way onto the console.  BloodRayne will be showing off her new look in BloodRayne: Betrayal on September 7th  Renegade Ops explodes onto the scene on September 14th.  Here's the best part: if you pick up all four titles by September 19th you'll get a voucher for Payday: The Heist for free!   That's a heck of an added bonus, since Payday: The Heist will cost $19.99 when it comes out on October 5th.  I hope $20 bucks isn't the new price point for downloadable titles...

There are some other bells and whistles included in the promotion.  (Do bells and whistles really improve anything?)  Sony refuses to keep this promotion simple.  In addition to the "Buy four games, get one awesome game free," sale, PlayStation Plus members will also get 20% off of each of the four games.  If you pre-order a game you will get a static theme for said game.  And for every title you purchase during the promotion, you will receive some type of DLC.  The DLC will range from in-game content to virtual items for your PSN Home avatar.

You can see all the gory details on the PlayStation blog.  Each of the PSN: PLAY games will cost $14.99.  You can start pre-ordering today.


