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Beyond Co-Op, August 14th to August 20th
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Beyond Co-Op, August 14th to August 20th

Welcome to Beyond Co-Op, a weekly piece that talks about industry stories that may or may not be related to co-op gaming.

The stories for this week:

- Zelda: Skyward Sword Coming November 20
- Kinect: Disneyland Adventures Out November 15, Same Day as Halo Anniversary Edition
- Batman: Arkham City Has 3D Whether You Have 3D TV or Not
- Gears of War 3 Also Getting Same 3D Treatment
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution Finally on Tap This Week

Zelda: Skyward Sword Coming November 20

Not a whole lot to talk about this week with Gamescom going on, but there were some key announcements that came out of it so far. Nintendo announced that Zelda: Skyward Sword would be out in North America on November 20, just before the Thanksgiving break. November is becoming very busy with this, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (11-11-11), Uncharted 3 (11-1-11) and many other games on tap that month, including my next story.

Source: Joystiq

Kinect: Disneyland Adventures Out November 15, Same Day as Halo Anniversary Edition

November 15 is becoming a busy day. It was announced that Kinect: Disneyland Adventure, which has gotten an excellent reception from early previews, will be out on November 15. It will join the Anniversary edition of the original Halo that 343 Industries is working on along with the release of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Revolution that will close out Ezio’s trilogy of stories. November looks like a lot of hurt if you ask me.

Source: Joystiq

Batman: Arkham City Has 3D Whether You Have 3D TV or Not

Not that I can enjoy 3D in any way, shape or form, but news came out that Batman: Arkham City will have several flavors of 3D included with the game. The first one will use the active shutters in conjunction with 3D equipped TVs. The other option will allow you to play the game in 3D without a 3D equipped TV with included glasses. Nice of them to give you several options.

Source: Joystiq

Gears of War 3 Also Getting Same 3D Treatment

Gears of War 3 will also be getting the 3D treatment relying on the glasses and without the prerequisite of having a 3D equipped TV. They are really pushing 3D this year, but I wonder if its day has come and gone and I wonder how many 3D TVs are actually out there versus regular HDTVs.

Source: Co-Optimus

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Finally on Tap This Week

For some people, like myself, this is a pretty big release. I’m a big fan of the original game and actually liked the second game even though it was almost nothing like the original. It will be interesting to see if this game sells well since the first game sold about a million since its release in 2000. A million copies may not help Square-Enix in the money department, one can only guess there was a bunch of money put into the development of this game.

The good news is that it seems like all the game journalists received this game early for review, but no idea what the embargo on it may be. So far there has been one print review that I know of and it was quite high on the game. Early previews have also been kind and I think if the story and gameplay is similar to the first game with the obvious upgrade of graphics, this could really be a big game.

Source: me

