Resistance 3

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Resistance 3 Patched with Co-Op Fixes as Website Hacked
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Resistance 3 Patched with Co-Op Fixes as Website Hacked

Resistance 3 has been patched to version 1.05, which means the next time you fire up the game you'll be waiting for yet another download on your PS3.  Still, with the patch comes several fixes for all aspects of the game including single player, multiplayer and of course co-op.  The biggest fix is to one that could potentially spoil campaign progression for a guest player in co-op.  

* Several bug and crash fixes
* Co-op player can now watch videos normally
* Fixes to progression stopping issues while playing campaign in coop

Here's the full change log.

If you use the MyResistance.Net website for tracking your multiplayer, the My Resistance strategy game, or the forums you may have noticed the website has been taken offline with a message that says that the site is currently not available.  According to Kotaku several users alerted SCEA to malware, malicious software that could potentially infect your computer without your knowing, being available on the site.  While Sony isn't using the word "hacked" they did say they found "unexpected activity" on the site and therefore shut it down.  

This all happened earlier this week on Monday.  As of today the site is still not back up.  Looks like the website will need a 1.05 patch of its own.


