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Beatles Music Game Coming From Rock Band Creators
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Beatles Music Game Coming From Rock Band Creators

Aerosmith?  AC/DC?  Metallica?  These are big bands, for sure, but it appears the biggest band of all is coming to a video game console near you.  Harmonix and MTV Games, of Rock Band fame, are making an all new game based on the Beatles.  This is no mere Track Pack, though; instead, it's an entirely new game, described as "a musical and visual journey through the Beatles' entire career."  (Yellow Submarine minigames, perhaps?) 

Very few details are available as of yet, but we do know that the game is planned for a Holiday 2009 release.  Also, this is an exclusive arrangement, so no Beatles tracks for Guitar Hero, though they remain mum on whether Beatles content will become available for Rock Band.  This is quite a coup for Harmonix/MTV Games, for sure; I suspect many Beatles fans will purchase systems just for the game.  And you thought Nintendo was the only one printing money.  I can see it now: we'll all be helping our mothers buy an Xbox 360 or a PS3 a year from now...

Source: Blog.wired.com

