Rock Band 2

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Be Patient: Rock Band 2 Freebies Delayed
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Be Patient: Rock Band 2 Freebies Delayed

November 4 has come and gone, and yet, the free twenty song Rock Band 2 DLC hasn't been made available yet.  Rock Band 2 has been out a couple of months now; perhaps you've beaten World Tour mode, and are looking for more cool stuff to play beyond the weekly DLC offerings.  So what's with the delay?  Harmonix community manager Sean Baptiste gives you the 411:

We have hit an unexpected delay with getting the content online with Microsoft and are working diligently with them to get that resolved. We have suspended sending out the token codes until the content becomes available. Sending out the codes before the content is live will just result in more confusion. We hope to have this resolved in the next 24 hours and apologize profusely for the delay.

He's referring to the Xbox 360 version, of course, and the PS3 versions of the free DLC are, rather imprecisely, "coming soon".  Perhaps we shouldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth, but the delay certainly isn't helping the Rock Band cause.  In case you haven't read the manual (I'd be shocked if you did), you can find instructions for getting your free DLC code in our previous story right here.  In the meantime, keep on rockin'.


