Rock Band 2

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
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Your Free Rock Band 2 Content Is...
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Your Free Rock Band 2 Content Is...

You may recall the news of a free Rock Band 2 track pack, which we reported on here.  The track list is available now, and you can download your free goodies starting November 4.  Seems like there's something else going on then... hmmm...

* The 88 - "Sons and Daughters"
* Authority Zero - "No Regrets"
* Between the Buried and Me - "Prequel To The Sequel"
* The Cab - "Bounce"
* The Chevelles - "Get It On"
* The Cocktail Slippers - "Give It To Me"
* Dealership - "Database Corrupted"
* Endeverafter - "I Wanna Be Your Man"
* The Ghost Hounds - "Ashes To Fire"
* Hollywood Undead - "Young"
* Kutless - "The Feeling"
* The Len Price 3 - "If I Ain't Got You"
* Lesley Roy - "I'm Gone, I'm Going"
* Opiate for the Masses - "Burn You Down"
* Semi-Precious Weapons - "Magnetic Baby"
* Shaimus - "Like a Fool"
* Thenewno2" - Crazy Tuesday"
* Tickle Me Pink - "The Time Is Wrong"
* Underoath - "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures"
* X Japan - "I.V."

I made a few predictions about the track pack in our original news item: first, that the pack would be made available the week of Guitar Hero: World Tour's launch (I was off by a week or so), and second, that it would include one song from GH:WT (BZZZZT thanks for playing, we have some nice parting gifts for you).  How do you get these free tracks?  We've got the 411 for you right here.  

Oh yeah, now I remember why November 4 is important.  That's when Left 4 Dead was originally going to be released, and it's likely when LittleBigPlanet will be released, as well.  It really IS an important day!


