Portal 2

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Portal 2's Perpetual Testing Initiative Adds Co-Op Capabilities
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Portal 2's Perpetual Testing Initiative Adds Co-Op Capabilities

Science is always better with a friend to share it with. The Portal 2 “Perpetual Testing Initiative” now offers a co-op mode for all test subjects to construct and test chambers to their hearts content.

Valve has recently given all current owners of Portal 2 a 75% off coupon used towards purchasing another copy of the game. Why? Because they have just added co-op to their new Perpetual Testing Initiative mode. What better way to promote a new 2-player co-op mode than to give a sweet incentive to play together? Obviously, this is a great opportunity to get a friend in on the lovable, but challenging puzzle game, all through a nice gesture of giving them this coupon to play cooperatively.

The Perpetual Testing Initiative, essentially, the Portal 2 map creator feature that allows players to create their own test chambers and publish them on Steam for everyone to play and rate. An additional feature added to the co-op mode update, called “Quick Play”, makes endless, auto-matted playlists of all top-rated, user made maps of all categories. This is a simple, but great way to jump into the game and try out fun maps that fellow gamers have created from scratch.

Those that have Portal 2: give your coupons to those who don’t. Those that don’t have Portal 2 already: ask someone who does to be your friend. Embrace the co-op features of the Perpetual Testing Initiative together!

Source: Thinkwithportals.com

