Showing articles about co-op monthly round-up

by Christoph Licht 0
It's finally over - or is it!?

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for June 2024

Holy mackerel, what a month! It felt like every publisher and developer on Earth announced a new co-op title, resulting in 235 new entries to our database. Still, looking back at the last four years since our Database Master joined us, June 2024 was actually on par with previous years. His overwhelming feeling of "there's too much stuff!!!!" was just based on the literally hundreds of games he had to wade through in order to find all that co-op goodness. So many showcases happened during Summer Games Fest 2024, and then directly afterwards, Steam Next Fest June 2024 started. It was definitely an insane month for us gamers.

by Christoph Licht 0
Geoff Keighley is upon us!

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for May 2024

Another 106 entries were added to our database this month. We now feature over 14,000 (active) co-op games, and this number will certainly continue to climb. That's most likely more than anyone can play in a lifetime, but I'm sure we are all trying our best. So before Geoff Keighley bombards us with another three hours of ads and announcements next week, let's take a quick look back at May.

by Christoph Licht 0
Warning: This is not a joke!

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for March 2024

What's up with the gaming industry ? Seems like most of the hyped up releases in the last year hit the streets and got immediately dumped in the "Mixed" (at best) reviews category for everyone to soon forget. We won't name any names, but it is sad to see - especially for co-op titles that depend so much on an active player base.

by Christoph Licht 0
Return of the Co-Op

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for Februrary 2024

After a surprisingly quiet January, our release calendar was once again filled with quite a bit of co-op fodder this month. Our team's favourite was by far the democracy-simulator, Helldivers 2. Despite the initial server-issues, we just keep coming back to it time and time again. Also of note, quite a few titles like Sons Of The Forest, Smalland: Survive the Wilds, and Timemelters finally left their Early Access state behind, which is always nice to see. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and Skull and Bones, on the other hand... well, although they also finally hit store shelves, it doesn't seem like the wait was really worth it. Always sad to see - especially for co-op titles.

by Christoph Licht 0
It's Quiet, Too Quiet!

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for January 2024

January 2024 was a... strange month. We've counted only 20 co-op releases across all platforms. Yes, this time of year is usually a bit more on the lighter side with all publishers and developers preparing the big spring push. But still: This is the lowest amount of new titles we've seen in a January in a long time. Perhaps everyone was just too afraid to launch in the same month as Palworld? A bit less Pokémon with guns and more traditional open-world-survival-crafting as it turns out but still a very huge success with players.

by Christoph Licht 0
Happy New Year 2024!

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for December 2023

Here it is: 2024. And with it, we're leaving behind 2023: a year that is already considered by many to be the best 365 days for gaming in at least a decade. Granted, not all expected blockbusters hit the mark. This was especially hard on us when the title featured a solid co-op option (Redfall anyone?). But there was way too much good, cooperative stuff released to keep us complaining for too long about these mishaps.

by Christoph Licht 0
Geoff Keighley is approaching!

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for November 2023

November saw a mind-blowing 76 new releases across all platforms! It seems like every publisher once again wanted to make sure to hit that precious buying-window for Christmas. That doesn't make sense anymore considering most of the stuff is only available for download anyway. What if the only thing under the tree is a gift card for your favorite online store? But old habits die hard, as they say.

by Christoph Licht 0
Only two more to go!

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for October 2023

The point 'n' click adventure genre isn't especially known for innovation. The main gameplay gimmick is in the name, after all. Once in a blue moon, however, some developer comes along and tries something different, like way back in 2004 when the Spanish developer Alcachofa Soft released their title Mortadelo y Filemón: Una Aventura de Cine, which featured LAN/online co-op for two players (the Steam release changed it to local co-op only). Was it janky, and did it suffer from soft-locks due to accidental sequence breaking? Yes. Was it still an awesome and unique experience? Definitely. We don't know of any other point 'n' click adventure ever trying the same before or after that, until this month when COWCAT added 4-player local co-op (!) to their already unique "Punch & Click" Adventure, BROK the InvestiGator. What a very nice surprise.

by Christoph Licht 0
We did a thing...

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for September 2023

I'm sure many of you know the saying "Never change a running system". And it is still great advice. But sometimes you are forced to change. Like for example when your hoster wants to decommission the old hardware and switch you over to a new server. In theory nothing special and even beneficial. Yes, it was a bit unfortunate that we had to make that merge during the week of Tokyo Games Show since the Database Master couldn't do any work during that time. But on 9/23 everything was moved over and he was able to clear the backlog in a couple of hours. All seemed good at the end of the day.

by Christoph Licht 0
The flood gates have been opened!

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for August 2023

Let's face it: The big thing in August was Baldur's Gate III. There is no way to sugarcoat it. This month saw 30XX finally leaving Early Access on Steam, the surprise releases of the QUAKE II-Remaster and Age of Empires IV for Xbox, the addition of local co-op to the founder of a new genre (Vampire Survivors) and even the long-awaited (?) return of a much beloved (citation neededGerman video game icon (TM). But none could overshadow the (fully earned) success of Larian's juggernaut CRPG. Considering how stacked this month was, not just in terms of co-op titles, that's quite a feat.

by Christoph Licht 0
We need a break...

Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for June 2023

Oh boy, what a month! The eyes of our Database Master are strained from watching all those showcases, and his fingers are sore from entering everything relevant into our database. The result is a stunning increase of 271 new entries. For comparison: June 2021 only saw an addition of 179 entries. So the amount of co-op fodder announced definitely increased this year, even if we factor out the "normal" releases we are adding each month.

116 stories found