Showing articles about score rush

by Jason Love 0
  • playstation 4
  • couch
A long road for Xona

Score Rush Extended Arrives on PlayStation 4 This Week

When I first started the monthly Indie-Ana Co-Op article, the idea was to focus on the (then) burgeoning indie games market and to sift through the numerous titles in Xbox Live Indie Games. One of those titles was Score Rush, a bullet-hell shmup from Xona Games. Five years later, the game will see a release on the PlayStation 4 this Thursday with a new title, Score Rush Extended.

by Jason Love 1

Indie-Ana Co-Op: Xona Games Interview

A couple weeks back we discussed Decimation X3, an XBLIG that expertly invokes an arcade classic: Space Invaders. Today, we sit down with Matt Doucette, one of two brothers responsible for making the game, to talk about classic co-op memories and indie games development.

by Tally Callahan 0
  • xbox 360
  • couch
  • online

Rush Some Scores in Score Rush

We enjoy us some indie games here at Co-optimus. I've had myself some good times with co-op games I've purchased on the Xbox Live Indie Games (XBLIG) channel. Today Xona Games launched Score Rush on said channel, a game described as "an intense 2D, four-player, dual-stick, bullet-hell, score-running shooter." Features include unlockable difficulty modes, boss battles, and power-ups for both your main weapon and your ship. The goal? To get a crazy-high score, of course! 

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