
Thoughts and Questions. Keeping up with the Joneses.

Hi all,


I'm fairly new to co-optimus. I have been reading news from the site for about a month now. Today (1/26/203) is when I finally decided to sign up for the site. I didn't even think much about the forum or the other social aspects of the site, but I have always been one to read comments on articles and such. I've been sorta curious as to why I rarely see comments on any of the articles. When it finally clicked that there is a forum, I thought "Oh, all the discussion must be happening in there."

I checked the forums and there is almost no discussion there. This makes me a bit sad because as huge fans of co-op gaming, we are not being very social and communicating our thoughts to one another. Why do y'all think this is? I wish I knew so I could help find a solution.

Anyway, I suppose I should talk about some of the games I've been playing lately. Planetside 2 is the game right now. I am a huge fan of the Battlfield franchise so it's only natural that I would like Planetside. The learning curve seemed a bit steep at first (even for someone that has been playing games like these for a while), but I kept at it and now I can actually be an effective part of the team.

I have also been into some Minecraft (on Xbox) with my friends. I set up a 'dedicated server' by buying my brother's old xbox that was in a house fire and having my friend fix it up. She runs fine now and I keep the Minecraft server up so my XBL friends can play on our map even when I'm not home!

I also tried Ace of Spades... AVOID AT ALL COSTS. My friend (same one mentioned above) bought the 4 pack so we could all play. It's... laughably bad. :( If you want to try it, I'm sure he has a couple Steam keys left for it that he'd be more than happy to give away.

Talking about the 4 pack for Ace of Spades reminded me of something. My closest gaming friends and I like to game with each other (obviously) as much as possible. So sometimes we will buy games for each other. What is even more entertaining to me, is that when one of us buys a game (or computer parts, headsets, mics, etc) the rest of us have to get one too. Our excuse is always "Gotta keep up with the Joneses!" We are actually thinking about making a podcast called Keeping Up With The Joneses where we talk about different games, peripherals, and whatever else we end up buying. It would also be cool to talk about what it's like to be in a group of friends that is always competing and playing co-operatively. I think for every 'cast we do, I will state a different reason as to why Co-Op is so much fun and (imo) better than single player games!

Thanks for reading,

