Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants

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Meet the Bosses of TMNT Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants
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Meet the Bosses of TMNT Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants

The home version of the Raw Thrills arcade game features 13 fearsome bosses.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants is now available on consoles and Steam, bringing the 2017 Raw Thrills arcade game home at last. GameMill Entertainment and Raw Thrills have added three new stages to the game, kicking the number of bosses up from 7 to 13. Let's check them out!


TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Bebop

Wrath of the Mutants is based on Nickelodeon's 2012 TMNT animated series, and so are nearly all of the bosses. This version of Bebop the warthog is one skinny dude.


TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants  Rocksteady

Rocksteady the rhino features a more traditional look.

Chrome Dome

TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Chrome Dome

Chrome Dome is an android developed by the Kraang for Karai in the 2012 series. A much different looking Chrome Dome appears in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge.

Baxter Stockman

TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman is an evil scientist in most versions of TMNT. Just as in the 1987 series, he gets turned into a fly mutant in the 2012 show.


TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants

This fish mutant with robotic legs is a new addition to the home version of Wrath of the Mutants.

Tiger Claw

TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Tiger Claw

Tiger Claw is a Japanese assassin who eventually takes over the Foot Clan. He is also new to the home version of the game.

The Creep

TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants The Creep

This swamp monster is another new addition to the home version.


TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Rahzar

Rahzar the wolf debuted in TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze. The 2012 version of Rahzar is a former martial arts teacher who joins the Foot Clan and eventually mutates into a wolf form. He's new to the home version.

Krang (1987)

TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Krang 1987

In the 2012 series, an evil alien race called the Kraang threaten the Turtles and the Earth. The 1987 version of Krang doesn't appear in the 2012 show, but he does pop up in this game. He appears in the TCRI stage, but his boss battle has been moved to the Dimension X stage in the home game.

Krang Sub-Prime

TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Kraang Sub-Prime

The leader of the alien Kraangs originally appeared in the TCRI stage, but now he rules the Dimension X stage. His robotic body was originally disguised as Irma, a fan favorite character who only shows up in the 2012 series in android form.


TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Karai

Shredder's daughter is an important character in many versions of the TMNT, and she has been added to the home version of Wrath of the Mutants.


TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Shredder

Oroku Saki, the leader of the Foot Clan, is the original boss of the arcade game. His stage has been completely revamped in the home game, and he is now followed by another boss.

Super Shredder

TMNT Arcade Wrath of the Mutants Super Shredder

The mutated version of the Shredder first appeared in TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze. He is the final boss of the home game.

That bounty of bosses sure would be easier with some backup, don't you think? No sweat, dudes! TMNT: Wrath of the Mutants supports 4-player local co-op. See our co-op review for all the details.

TMNT: Wrath of the Mutants costs $29.99. The game is available digitally on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and Steam. Physical versions are available for Xbox, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Switch on Amazon. The Steam version is fully Steam Deck compatible.

