
CCV: Crew?

Well, as much as i love co-op and playing with "friends", it seems i dont have much of a "crew". I am as bad at making friends on xbox live or the psn as a socially awkward fat kid does in gym class. That kid would actually have a better shot.

Im pretty good at the games i play, i just dont find many online or i just cant seem to get people to play with me. Is this an invitation? Yes, yes it is, in fact, i would like someone to let me play with their pawn in Dragons Dogma for the PS3 please!

Nah, i do have a "crew", but its just me and my girlfriend. I like playing with her because, well, she can put up with me, and thats a feat within itselft my friends. I like playing with her because its like having a huge handicap. Shes good spirited about everything, but just does not get it sometimes. I see it as a way to improve my skills, especially if i ever have to do a mission where i have to escort someone, or have horrible AI to use against something extermely hard.

When i play with her, i conisider her my 'crew' because she also has a split-personality. One day ill be playing with someone who is happy go-lucky about dieing 100 times, and then ill be playing with the 'beast from the east' and get punched in the arm the first time i 'let' her die. But, through it all, shes a good companion to play with, espcially since she sits next to me, and we can express victory in more ways than one, you know, like high-fives!

I had crews in the past, i had a crew for Ghost Recon: Island Thunder (remember that game!?) and Rainbow Six, both games, same crew/clan and we had been invited to play at MLG, but, like anything else, we had a falling out.

With that being said, you can bet i will be crushing people in the upcoming Counter-Strike:GO, so maybe ill get a crew together for that?