by Jim McLaughlin 0
  • xbox live arcade
  • couch
  • online

Ion Assault Co-Op Review

Ion Assault can be described as a very unique and beautiful take on the classic Asteroids arcade games. Movement and visuals are updated, as is the variety of obstacles you'll encounter. Although relatively short, Ion Assault features 2-player co-op support throughout the campaign, plus a 4-player competitive mode. How does it add up? We explore deep space for the review.

by Jim McLaughlin 1
  • xbox live arcade
  • couch
  • online

One Big Cooperative Effort - Joy Ride

You remember Joy Ride, right? The free co-op game coming to the Xbox Live Arcade? Well, Microsoft has announced that the game will feature content that can be unlocked when a cumulative goal is reached by the entire community. This is not all that dissimilar to what DICE did with Battlefield 1943's Coral Sea Challenge. Exactly what content that entails is still a mystery, but we like the prospects.

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