Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Jason Love 12
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • playstation 2

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 Co-Op Review

There is a theorem that states “an infinite number of monkeys hitting keys at random on an infinite number of typewriters for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type the complete works of William Shakespeare.”  The theorem is intended to demonstrate the perils of trying to define infinity by using a finite, though vast, number.  Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 takes this theorem to heart and seems to depend upon the fact that if you do the same actions over and over and over again, you may eventually find a rewarding experience lurking somewhere in the depths.  Unfortunately, Gundam 2 is not Hamlet and the play experience is more akin to using Yahoo’s babelfish to translate a book written in English to another language, to another, and yet another before finally translating it back. 

by Marc Allie 2
  • xbox 360

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 Free DLC Invading

The Dynasty Warriors Gundam series is quite interesting.  Obviously, Gundam is a nice game friendly franchise, with giant robots (not really giant robots, but still, GIANT ROBOT-LIKE SUITS, awesome) and lots of drama.  Dynasty Warriors is one of the longest running co-op friendly series.  The two meet and much fun can be had; I've enjoyed playing the first Dynasty Warriors Gundam over the past few weeks.

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