Dying Light

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Dying Light Release Date Delayed to 2015
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Dying Light Release Date Delayed to 2015

Is it better that the apocalypse is delayed a bit?

Parkouring within a zombie apocalypse will need  just a tad longer to develop before releasing to the masses. Techland's upcoming IP, Dying Light, is being delayed until 2015

The developer recently decided that it was best to push back the game's original release date a couple of months, and for some understandable reasons. To make such an immersive and realistic zombie game as possible, they will need additional time to provide the best experience to the player. As of today, players will now be able to obtain the game this coming February of 2015. Here's what Techland had to say on the matter:

"When we started the development of Dying Light, we were committed to innovation. We wanted to give you a freedom of movement unprecedented in open-world games. After many improvements and months of hard work, we have now come so close to realizing our initial vision we feel we cannot stop before it is ready.

We believe the Natural Movement element of our game will change what you expect from the genre, and we don’t want to sacrifice any of its potential by releasing too early. This quality-focused thinking underlines all our development choices and we hope you share our belief that the gameplay must always come first.

The new date ensures that we can fully realize our vision of an innovative open-world game. We won’t need to make compromises or trade-offs on any of the five platforms we’re working on. For you, it means an outstanding, original game that makes the wait more than worthwhile."

Those who will be attending E3, however, will have an opportunity to get their hands on Dying Light to see the progress already made. Rest assured, we will take a thorough look at the game and report on all the awesome features we see firsthand.

Dying Light will be releasing on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, and PC and includes a 4-player online co-op mode.


