Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Getting Out of Hell Come January
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Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Getting Out of Hell Come January

Launch date revealed and PS4, Xbox One versions revealed

The upcoming stand alone expansion to Saints Row 4 has a release date. Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell will hit the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on January 25th, 2015. The game puts players in the shoes of Johnny Gat or Kinzie Kensington as you tear apart Hell in a quest to save the Boss’ soul. 

A new trailer has been released showcasing the game's seven deadly weapons based on the seven deadly sins. Personally if a gattling gun recliner is a sin, I can't wait to go to hell to enjoy it. Or how about diseased frog launcher? The Saints Row series already pulled all the punches but this game looks to really turn things up to 11.

Here's the full list:

The Seven Deadly Weapon Featured In Saints Row: Gat out of Hell 
· Armchair-A-Geddon - (The embodiment of Sloth in the rifle slot) Take a seat and watch the mayhem explode with dual-miniguns and heat-seeking missiles.
· Gallows Dodger - (The embodiment of Pride in the pistol slot) Hurl arcane balls of energy from this mysterious embodiment of murder, which doesn't hesitate to boast of his murderous history.
· Last Supper - (The embodiment of Gluttony in the special weapons slot) Cover your enemies with hell-ish frosting and watch how hunger takes over the masses!
· Uriels Edge - (The embodiment of Envy in the melee slot) Slash, blast and disintegrate your enemies in a deadly ball of fire.
· Ark of the Covenant - (The embodiment of Wrath in the explosive slot) Suck in the souls from your enemies and then launch them at the rest. It's a win-win.
· Boom Chicka - (The embodiment of Lust in the shotgun slot) Nothing says come hither more than Boom Chicka, the sexiest gun in existence.
· Diamond Sting - (The embodiment of Greed in the SMG slot) This weapon propels wages at an incredible rate of fire, turning victims into a shower of wealth.


Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell will feature two player online co-op with players taking the role of Johnny or Kinzie. It'll launch for the very friendly price of $19.99. If you're looking to experience the game on "next-gen" platforms like the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, Deep Silver is relaunching Saints Row 4 with the Gat out of Hell expansion on those platforms for just $49.99.

Of course it wouldn't be a game release without some pre-order DLC.

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Devil's Workshop Pack
Tired of flying on the wings of a fallen angel? With the Devil's Workshop Pack you can fly on the purple wings of a Saint instead. Also included; Yorick, the flaming skull that acts as the source of Shakespeare's infernal might. Finally you can wield all of the power of Shakespeare with none of the iambic pentameter: what's not to love?

Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Plague of Frogs Pack
Take some mementos from hell with you to virtual Steelport! Rain amphibian death onto Zinyak's army with the Lil' Croaker, and look good doing it wearing either Infernal Guard armor or Hellish Princess costumes. 


