Nuclear Throne

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Thursday Stream Recap: Nuclear Throne Episode 6
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Thursday Stream Recap: Nuclear Throne Episode 6

Perseverance. Dedication. Hard Work. Live Grenades.

We're just so close.

Taylor and I are (hopefully) reaching the limits of what Nuclear Throne has to offer.  Well, that's not entirely true.  Like any Upstanding Roguelike, there are probably entire grottos of extra content hidden just beneath the surface, and by "surface", that thing that has fought us tooth and nail for every inch of progress.  To keep the experience as pure as possible, I've tried to stray from wikis, forums, and the like, but suffice it to say that I've seen enough to recognize the limits of my own knowledge.

Before we get into this week's episode, I wanted to briefly mention our plans going forward.  Ascend has been a blast to do, but the series will most likely find its end the first time that we, blood-soaked and irradiated, plop our little butts on that throne everyone keeps talking about.  There are plenty of other rad games out there that are needing coverage, and I worry that a weekly stream dissecting the metagame of Nuclear Throne is quite a bit beyond our original scope.  Besides, if you're really that curious to know what lies beyond, you should grab a friend and set forth yourself!

Disclaimer:  Taylor and I aren't liable for when the cops respond to a noise complaint and find two controllers embedded in your flatscreen.

Thanks a ton for hanging out!  We'll be back next Thursday at 8:30 PM EST.  Catch you nerds on the flipside.

