Portal 2

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Portal 2 Authoring Tools Released on PC
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Portal 2 Authoring Tools Released on PC

Valve have released the official mod tools for Portal 2 on the PC via Steam.  Now anyone can get their hands on the game's inner workings, customize and create their own levels.

The Portal 2 Authoring Tools include versions of the same tools we used to make Portal 2. They'll allow you to create your own singleplayer and co-op maps, new character skins, 3D models, sound effects, and music.

Here's what's included:
- Updated version of Hammer, the Source level editor
- Updated Faceposer
- Example maps and instances to help build new maps
- Updated suite of command-line compiling utilities

The Portal 2 Authoring Tools are free and located under the "Tools" tab in Steam for all owners of Portal 2.  The software is considered beta, so there may be some issues.  Are you going to create the next great co-op level?

Source: Thinkwithportals.com

