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Cloud Based Gaming Coming Soon with The Tale of Okabu
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Cloud Based Gaming Coming Soon with The Tale of Okabu

You don't bring a plunger to a toilet brush fight

Before I go to bed at night I like to eat an entire wheel of cheese in the hope of dreaming about new game mash ups.  Only the other day I imagined a game that combined the 2 player co-op puzzle-action-adventure stylings of Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, with the cute as a button graphics of hidden gem Cookie and Cream (or Kuri Kuri Mix if you prefer its Japanese name).  However, this was no dream; The Tale of Okabu is a reality and is coming to PSN soon.

Don't disregard The Tale of Okabu because it may look cute; the trailer shows far more action and depth than you might first consider.  Starring two Cloud Whales, Kumulo and Nimbe, you must fight against the industrialized threat of the Doza clan.  The game will be 2 player co-op throughout the campaign and has a dynamic screen that alters with the players, rather than splitting it will zoom in or out to keep both players in the action.  As of yet there is no confirmation that the game will be online co-op, but local co-op is certain.  Okabu is from the team who created iPhone phenomenon Rolando and uses influences such as classic 70s TV show Monkey, the trailer must be worth checking out for this alone.  Having seen it myself I have high hopes for the game reaching Lara Croft levels of quality, decide for yourself after Read More.

Ride the whale!


Source: Blog.us.playstation.com

