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CCV: Blog Update for September 2012
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CCV: Blog Update for September 2012

The creative wheels are spinning.

For this month's Co-Optimus Community Voice, I asked you, the community, to show off your creations. Two of you answered the call and showed off some pretty cool creations. Both entries are from first-time bloggers, so props to them for starting off strong.

First up is zuke2 showing off a glider from Kerbal Space Program. I've never heard of this game (or simulation), so I'm pretty impressed. That glider looks pretty sweet. I'm tempted to see what Kerbal Space Program is all about. Click the image to read the full blog post, and follow the link to see more images of the glider in action.

Our second entry this month comes from kwisatz who created a co-op level for Portal 2. From the screenshot, you can see he put a lot of effort into it, and there seems to be a lot of variety in the many sections of the level. I'm definitely going to check this one out, but I'll need a partner. Any takers? Click the image for more words from kwisatz, including links to the level on Steam.

This month is not over, folks! Hopefully these top-notch entries get your creative juices flowing and motivate you to create something of your own. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you guys and gals come up with. You've definitely surprised me so far.

