by Nick Puleo 8
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No Co-Op Campaign In StarCraft 2

Not that we were truly expecting it, but it does come as a disappointment that Blizzard has announced no campaign co-op in StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty.  The game's lead designer, Justin Bowder told VG 247 the sad news last month at an exclusive hands on event with the game.

by Nick Puleo 3
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Fairytale Fights Release Date Announced, Now with 4 Player Co-Op

PlayLogic has announced the released date and features of Fairytale Fights.  We've kept a watchful eye on this brutal hack and slash since it was announced, and it appears we won't be waiting much longer.  The game is set for an October 27th release date on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.  Unfortunately PC owners are going to have to wait a bit longer as a 2010 release date for that version of the game has been announced.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • pc

ArmA II Mod Tools Released, Make Your Own Co-Op Campaign

While ArmA II has a built in mission editor, it limits to exactly what you can do.  Sure you can place players, enemies, objects and waypoints - but what you can't do is use your own models, characters or story.  That's all changed though as Bohemia Interactive has released a full suite of mod tools for the PC co-op title.

by Nick Puleo 15

This Guy Explains Co-Op Gaming, And Swears A Lot While Doing it

Look, we love co-op gaming as much as the next guy.  But I'm not quite sure we love co-op gaming as much as THIS guy.  He goes by the name of the GamingGoose - and he's pissed off at developers, publishers and just about anyone that gets in his way.  Why?  Because he can't figure out what games have co-op and what games don't.  He's pissed that games that say they have co-op don't really have a cooperative mode at all but rather a "2 player simultaneous mode."

by Marc Allie 5

Co-Op Classics: Happy Twentieth Birthday, Sega Genesis

Twenty years ago today, the Sega Genesis was released in North America.  Known as the Mega Drive in Japan, the Genesis was a big hit.  The NES was dominant at the time, but that fabled console was a bit long in the tooth.  With the help of truly superb marketing (Sega does what Nintendon't!), and a certain blue hedgehog, the Genesis became Sega's most successful console.  It was also a great way to play co-op with a friend, with many stellar co-op games in the Genesis library.

by Jim McLaughlin 5
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Had Enough Left 4 Dead Already? Too Bad! Here's More

Valve revealed in last night's GameTrailers TV preview that a new area we'll be visiting in Left 4 Dead 2 will be a carnival! Officially called "Whispering Oaks", the creepy amusement park is the centerpiece of the latest campaign to be revealed: The Fairgrounds. Along with the campaign news comes the world debut of the katana, yet another melee weapon (magical flashlight beam included). We've got the video embedded for you.

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