• Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
by Katrina Pawlowski 6

Blue Omega Suffers Damnation

Earlier today, we posted our review of Damnation, a highly anticipated co-op title. We went into this review with an open mind, in spite of the other reviews we'd read. It was not our intention to post this less-than-thrilled review on the eve of such terrible news for the developers. We wished the outcome were different both for the review, and developers circumstances. Unfortunately, the Development staff for Damnation have all hit the unemployment lines after recent layoffs.

by Nick Puleo 7
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360

Damnation Isn't Just About Shooting

Codemasters has just unleashed a brand new video of the two player co-op Damnation.  The steampunk style game features drop-in and drop-out online co-op play through the entire story, which, appears to be a shooter on the surface.  The latest video is all about the moves players and enemies perform in the game bringing things a bit closer to a platformer.

by Katrina Pawlowski 1
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • pc

Check Out Behind The Scenes In Damnation.

A few months ago, we previewed Damnation at New York Comic Con, with less than impressive results. Fortunately, the new behind the scenes trailer shows us part of Codemasters and Blue Omegas creation process, seems as though they're still working out the kinks. It also appears the date has been pushed back from late April, to late May, hopefully crisping the glaze on the top for this co-op shooter.

by Katrina Pawlowski 4
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • pc
  • couch
  • online

You'll Never be Damned in the Co-Op Mode of Damnation

It's really no secret, we know you've been logging away hours on Gears of War 2, and want something fresh but similar to feast on. So - what if I told you that Codemasters, the creators of some interesting sleeper hits, such as Overlord, and Rise of the Argonauts, has announced a game that boasts to be similar to Gears of War 2, but let you wear more cowboy hats and draw pistols Wild West style? You know you're at least a bit curious.

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