Fable 3

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Lionhead Studios Reveals Fable III Screens, Requests "Likes" Or Opinions
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Lionhead Studios Reveals Fable III Screens, Requests "Likes" Or Opinions

Lionhead Studios really wants customer feedback on Fable III. They're testing the target audience on Facebook by revealing a screenshot at a time, and asking what you think about what you see. They've already made allusions to making real co-op, but the best way to insure its success is by having you, the player, post your opinion with them.

They're also posting developer diaries, concept art, and ongoing information about the development process. What we want from you? Post your opinion about what real co-op means, and how it could improve the Fable III experience. Go now, sign on to Facebook (we know you have one), and leave your opinion (we know you have one of those, too).


