Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes

Final Fantasy The Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers Developer Interview - Page 2

Co-Optimus:  Open world games are typically pretty substantial in length, not to mention the length of Final Fantasy titles in general.  What can we expect in terms of playtime from this game?

Akitoshi Kawazu:  If you only follow the story itself, I would say it may take around 15 hours. We implemented a lot of little tweaks and fun features such as the side quests and interactions, and I would guess more than 50 hours will be required to complete everything.


Co-Optimus:  What's your favorite feature of FF:CC:CB?

Akitoshi Kawazu:  The NPCs’ casual movements and their voices that they let out. It’s not a fancy feature, but there’s some enjoyment to be had in it, similar to watching people pass by in a real city.


Co-Optimus:  Finally...just how much bikini booty shaking is there in FFCC:TCB?

Akitoshi Kawazu:  Do you like bikini girls? If you visit Costa Faguita, you can always meet bikini girls. They’ll also turn up occasionally in other places, so please find them. 


Don't forget - there's still time to win a signed print from the game!

