Worms Revolution

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Wiggle It to the new Worms Revolution Collection Trailer
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Wiggle It to the new Worms Revolution Collection Trailer

Worms Revolution\Worms 2 retail bundle on the 360

Wiggle it; I want to see you wiggle it!  Not that, put it away immediately.  What I want to see wiggle is the crazy worms of The Worms Revolution Collection coming to the 360 on May 3rd in the UK.  The pack will not only contain Worms Revolution and Worms 2: Armageddon, but also all the DLC currently available for both games.  This retail pack is only planned for the UK at the moment and is priced at £24.99.  Co-Optimus will inform all if/when the pack is planned for release in other territories.

For Worms' fans the pack is a monumental collection of squirmy action, there are hours and hours of gameplay across both games.  Although Revolution purports to be co-op, we did find this aspect of the game a little lacking. However, the single player and multiplayer aspects of both games do make up somewhat for this miscreation.

Want to see what this jumbo pack contains?  Thankfully, Team 17 has provided an informative and barmy trailer to so just this:




Source: Youtube.com

