Divinity: Original Sin

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition Will Let You Squabble Over Loot In The Same Room
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Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition Will Let You Squabble Over Loot In The Same Room

Guaranteed to sever your relationships in four hours or less!

Western RPG fans, rejoice!  The critically acclaimed RPG (and runner-up of Co-optimus' Indie Game of the Year Award), Divinity: Original Sin, is ever closer to arriving on your console of choice.  That's right, the very console that your significant other uses to endlessly browse Netflix can now be utilized for open-world exploration and slick tactics battles.

It's not here quite yet, but this trailer out of Gamescom marks just a few months until its release as an Enhanced Edition on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.  What's more, current PC owners will receive it as a free patch!

The Enhanced Edition will expand the game's platform reach as well as provide a ton of new content, ranging from full voice acting to new quests, a reworked storyline, and remastered visuals and sound effects.  For consoles, the game will receive a unique UI and control scheme, along with other ease-of-use options tailored to the controller.

Oh, and did I mention it will have splitscreen co-op?

It may not be for everyone, especially those of us who are easily overwhelmed, but Original Sin proudly brandishes the hallmarks of Western RPGs, and does it well.  If you're looking for a way to experience that style of game as newcomer or battle-hardened grognard, this holiday season is the perfect time for it.  Of course, being able to grab a buddy and crawl through some dungeons together is just icing on the cake.

