Dragon Marked for Death

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
A Slew of Indie Titles Coming to the Switch This Year
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A Slew of Indie Titles Coming to the Switch This Year

The number of fun-looking games in this almost makes you forget about the SNES Classic debacle

Headed to Seattle today for PAX West? Wondering how to spend your evening before things kick off tomorrow? Well, maybe you should swing by the Museum of Pop Culture tonight at 8:30 pm PDT for the Nindies@Night event. Nintendo will have a number of indie titles for you to play, including some co-op games like WulverbladeHuntdown, and the newly announced action-RPG title from Inti Creates, Dragon Marked for Death.

Many of the indie titles that Nintendo showed off yesterday during their "Nindies Summer Showcase" will be playable at the event tonight, and a selection of them will also be made available during PAX West at the Nindies Arcade on the third floor in room 3B of the convention center. The Nindies Arcade will be open from noon-9 p.m. PT on Sept. 1 to Sept. 3, and noon-6 p.m. PT on Sept. 4.

Here are all the co-op titles that will be there:

  • Wulverblade - 2 players local; a spiritual successor to the classic Golden Axe that is set in ancient Roman Britain, team up to prevent the Romans from conquering all of Britain
  • Wargroove - 4 players local or online; turn-based strategy game in the same vein as Advanced wars. Co-op is supported in the Skirmish mode where players can team up to take on A.I. opponents
  • Dragon Marked For Death - 4 players local or online; side-scrolling action-RPG featuring four different playable classes
  • Huntdown - 2 players local; a hard-boiled arcade shooter, Huntdown is a cyberpunk-ish retro platformer handcrafted with an authentic old-school pixel approach
  • Sausage Sports Club - 4 players local; team up with a few friends in the Adventure mode and test your skills against AI in tons of game modes like Soccer, Sumo and Capture the Flag
  • Next Up Hero - 2 player local; action/adventure title where players work together to battle fierce monsters

A few of these titles have been in development for some time, and will eventually be released on other platforms. Some, like Dragon Marked for Death, are entirely Switch exclusives. Regardless, I'm glad to see local co-op taking off on the Switch. It really is the perfect platform for it.

All of these games will be coming to the Nintendo eShop throughout the remainder of 2017 and into 2018.

